
Fw190D-9, WNr 500093, yellow 13, 3./JG26, Obgfr. Dieter Krägeloh - V2

Author Boelcke
Description Fw190D-9, WNr 500093, yellow 13, 3./JG26, Obgfr. Dieter Krägeloh, january 1945

The aircraft belongs to the first production batch from the MiMetall factory, which has been produced entirely in December 1944 (WNr 500001 - 500130). The plane was thrown into action shortly after being delivered to JG 26, with it´s ferry number still on the tail. Operation Bodenplatte was the first operational mission for Dieter Krägeloh with the Dora 9. He crashlanded after attacking the airfield of Grimbergen (Belgium).
The plane was painted RLM 76/02/82/83. It had a Junkers factory scheme with the straight demarcation line between RLM 76/02 and top RLM 83 colours. The lower wings with a W3 scheme and the upper wing surfaces with a RLM 82/83 camouflage which was completely conventional for the period.

V2: Added a skin with alpha layer
Image fw190d9_wnr500093_gelb13_no1.png
Size 17MB
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