
Ta-152C generic skin pack pt.2

Author Boelcke
Description I used some paintschemes from the Doras, relating to the factories like Mimetal, Focke Wulf and Fieseler where the Ta 152C would have been build (all markings shown here are from MatManager). The intention is to create a batch of generics for other campaign builders and people who are interested in this plane.

Together 18 generics for various fighter units and Schlachtgeschwader in part 1 and 2, one aditional winter skin as well.

The template used, is comprised work from Sparty and Buhli.

Some examples for what´s included in the pack:

Ta152C No4 Zpse3fc2043

Ta152C No7 Zpsafb94be1

Ta152C No1 Zps0b4c487b

Ta152C No8 Zps74f7ef4a
Image no image available
Size 3MB
Date Saturday 09 February 2013 - 17:26:29
Downloads 1922
5/5 : 4 Votes


  • 11 years ago
    0 0
    il2 Stab has also swastika enabler; HSFX 6 mod pack has an enabler included
  • 11 years ago
    0 0
    Thanks for the reply Boelcke. Tried Mat Manager a couple of years ago and had problems, I'll maybe try again.
    Again thanks for the skin packs.
  • 11 years ago
    0 0
    Thx Winco, unfortunately i can´t do inidvidual aircraft skins, cause i looks like only JG 301 did had two Ta 152C operational, but it´s not evident and there are no pictures or informations about these planes available.

    Concerning the swastikas, there are some swastika enabler availabe (MatManager or others) so that you don´t need such skins.
  • 11 years ago
    0 0
    Superb set of skins for an under rated fighter, many thanks for these. Two points, hope now that your'e on a roll you are going to do some actual individual aircraft skins, and could you include unmarked but with swastika skins in future releases?

    Looking forward to your next release.
