
The Galland Circus Updated

Author RDDR
Description This is the updated version of the famous JV44 aircraft whose job it was to protect the 262's Of Gallands JV44. Also included, proper canopy's especially created for this pack by my friend Claymore the author of the FW-190/Ta -152 which is available over at SAS.

History and info included.
Image gallands_circus_christmas.jpg
Size 5MB
Date Friday 20 December 2013 - 19:55:46
Downloads 2464
4/5 : 5 Votes


  • 10 years ago
    0 0
    Excellent looking skins Chris, great work!

    THX a lot
  • 10 years ago
    0 0
    Thanks for this Chris, Been trying to make it work in SAS MA 5.3, see here:,20351.msg427174.html#msg427174
  • 10 years ago
    0 0
    Merry X'Mas to you all guys and families ...

    Nice & sweet updated pack Chris ...!! wink
  • 10 years ago
    0 0
    Thanks for these RDDR, and thanks to Claymore for the canopies as well.