
P-51D WZ-Y Bum Steer flown by Capt Earl L.Stier 84th FS. 78th FG 2048x2 and 1924x2 vIL2 1946

Author Gumpy
Description This skin is for a P-51D Mustang it depicts a plane flown by Capt Earl L.Stier "Bum Steer" of the 84th FS. 78th FG.The template is a highly modified EMEL template which I thank him for, this skin is made to work on Barnesy's P-51 upgrade pack available at the Fm sight with prop spinner set to half and half. It may work on other versions you'll just have to test it.
Image 1537664912_screenshot.jpg
Size 8MB
Date Sunday 23 September 2018 - 08:41:40
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