
Name Date Author Size DL's Rating Get
LaGG3 of 88th IAP v1 11 Oct : 17:52 PatCartier 48.88MB 1681
5/5 : 1 Vote
Lagg-3 Serie 29 Generic and default skins summer 1942 V2 17 Nov : 21:31 MarcoPegase44 29.83MB 590
4/5 : 1 Vote
Lagg-3s29 Kuban Spring 1943. 269Iap ( 249IAP or 267IAP???) 17 Nov : 07:55 MarcoPegase44 14.92MB 532
5/5 : 1 Vote
LaGG3s of 926th IAP 24 Oct : 08:09 PatCartier 99.62MB 1111
0/5 : Not rated
LaGG3 of 44th IAP skinpack v1 06 Sep : 18:08 PatCartier 97.47MB 1799
5/5 : 1 Vote
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