
Ju52 Squadronskinpack 4./KGzbV172 Crete Invasion May 1941

Author cheruskerarmin
Description 12 semihistorical skins of 4.Staffel how it appeared during the crete landings.
The skins are based on historical pics as well as possible.
Generics and nomarks included.
The skins are compatible with all versions of the game. 1 extra skin for modded engine versions.

Enjoy - feedback appreciated.
Image 4.kgzbv172cretethumb.jpg
Size 13MB
Date Wednesday 25 September 2013 - 20:58:23
Downloads 1359
4.5/5 : 10 Votes


  • 11 years ago
    0 0
    Like water off a ducks back Armin.
    That is how I would take this travesty.
    No big deal as everyone who is not a "WANKER" knows your work is #1.

  • 11 years ago
    0 0
    Thanks Harry,
    but these skins obviously aren't machting the taste of everyone, i earned a one star vote for them yesterday (if this is really relating to the skins?) biglaugh
    Don't be ashamed to enjoy the skins secretly, my one-star-voter!


    [ edited 28 Sep : 09:21 ]
  • 11 years ago
    0 0
    Damn, I'm amazed that someone would only give these 1 star... you may be right that it's not about the skins in that case dodge , bad form on their part!
  • 11 years ago
    0 0
    Top notch work as always Armin; I really like the texture of your Ju52 skins, the corrugations and weathering are awesome. smile