
Aufklarer Fast Recon Fighters vUpdate

Author RDDR
Description Terms of use:

These skins can be used in any way you see fit, provided that the following stipulations are followed:

1) not for commercial use without written consent from the author(s)

2) do not re-upload these skins to another website without my permission

3) do not remove/alter the credits on the skins


This skin bears political markings. These are for historical purposes only and do not represent the political beliefs of Axis & Allies Paintworks or any of our members.


Original templates by FBS and Jesters-Ink
Other Elements by Jesters-Ink & Revolver
Template revisions by Casey1976
Skins By RDDR at Axis and Allies Paintworks

History/Points of interest:

There were many Reconnaissance Units in the Luftwaffe.

This Pack represents a specific type of low level fast Recon fighter units that were
mainly made up of different Bf109 "F and G" varients as well as FW-190 "A's"
These fighter aircraft were often stripped of some of their armament to lighten the weight and equipt
for the most part with RB 50/30 single and double mounted cameras.. inside the under fuselages.

The need for a high speed low-level reconnaissance type became even more urgent after
the invasion of Europe by the Allies, and it was during time that many Bf109 G6's were modified
to the G8 standards at factory level and served a vital role.
Fast low level 109's and FW converted fighters proved to be difficult targets,but owing to the Allied
mastery of the sky many fell victim to patrolling USAAF and RAF fighters.
By Christmas 1944 gathering intellegence during daylight hours became a very risky business for
the Luftwaffe's short range reconnaissance groups.

When doing my research I looked at a good many Black and white photos as well
as some excellent colour photography that has now surfaced over the last few years as well as a few profiles.
Most all of these aircraft represented in this pack were painted in factory colours but when
reaching the various units they were most often toned down with more mottling being applied on the fuselages,
and in many cases spiral prop caps were repainted mostly in RLM 70 on both types.A number 109's were painted with a 1/3rd white sections.
All done to reduce their visual signatures especially from the above marauding Allied fighters,although there are
a few exceptions such as White 14 which I have included in this pack.


Bf109F-4 R3 of 1.(F) 122 Sardinia Feb 1943 Pilot Unknown

BF109G-4 R3 of 5./123 Guyancourt,or Charleville France Spring 1943 Pilot Unknown

Bf109G-8 R3 Late Surrendered at Hangelar May 8th 1945 Pilot Unknown

Bf109G-8 Standard 2/NAGr.12 Albania 1944 Pilot Heimo Emmersdorfer

Bf109G-10 R2 Early NAGr.14 Black 12 Surrendered at Nurnberg May 6th 1945

Bf109G-10 R2 Early NAGr.14 White 3 Surrendered at Nurnberg May 6th 1945

Bf109G-10 R2 Early Unit Unknown White 67 Surrendered In Sweden April 12th 1945

FW190 A3/U4 Fernaufklarungsstaffel 5./123 Red 10 St Pol,France Spring 1943

FW190 A3/U4 Fernaufklarungsstaffel 5./123 Red 9 St Pol,France Spring 1943

Fw190 A4/U4 Early NAGr.13 Stabskette 9 (Very Unusual) Stab Markings
Mid 1943,based in St Brieuc or Dinard,France.

Note:A Bf109G-8 Standard "Dazzle Type Scheme

Camo Comments: Doing this skin was a real challange for me. I tried more than once
The application as near as I can tell was done with cut outs,probably cardboard or heavy paper.
The reason I'd say with carboard is that it seems as though it was held over the areas and sprayed.
After that, a hand brush was carefully used to clean up the overspray. One can see the brush marks
on some areas of the wings and fuselage.Having some very high quality photos that Duggy our resident A&A
WWII Aviation historian found for me that were of better quality than the ones I had been using from a book
I then attempted to figure out the colors.
After three run throughs and using 79 as one of the suggested colours I tossed that idea out.
Then just by accident I pulled out the Kagero BF109 G/K Vol 1 looking for a totally different bit of info,and there it was.
A beautiful profile of the aircraft by Arkadiusz Wrobel Two fusalage sides and a top view.
My suspicians were confirmed that it was done in RLM 75 and 76.

Their remarks:
An extraordinary camouflage composed of RLM 76 and RLM 75.Of further interest are the atypically painted
painted propeller hub and non standard wire antenna ( this can only be modded).
The Camouflage is fully reconstructed from Photographs.

Note:B A thankyou to Phas3e for building a good facimile of a RB 50/30 Camera.
My thanks to Duggy for his research on this project.

RDDR A&A Paintworks
Image aufklarer_front_page.jpg
Size 10MB
Date Thursday 30 January 2014 - 09:49:52
Downloads 2453
5/5 : 3 Votes


  • 10 years ago
    0 0
    I've got alot of interest in single seater recon types, it's great to see these LW birds smile