
B24J 451st Bomb Group PaintSchemes V1.1

Author Monguse
Description 451st Bomb Group Skin pack for use in campaigns. Ready to be escorted by P51's of the 31st, 52nd 325th or 332nd Fighter groups as well as P38's from the 1st, 14th or 82nd Fighter groups.

1. "The 451st Bomb Group in World War II a Pictorial History" ISBN: 0-7643-1287-1, By Mike Hill

2. Markings for each aircraft has been sized and located according to WWII photos, using "Camouflage and Markings 17 - B-24", b24bestweb site

3. "Consolidated Mess The illustrated Guide to Nose-turreted B-24 Production Variants in USAASF Combat Service" by Alan Griffith

451st Bomb Group served in the Mediterranean Theater operating from Castelluccio Airfield located at 41°19'11"N 015°32'43"E or roughly 15km south of Foggia.
Here is a link to the airfield location:

Included in this skin pack 43 skins which include 4 generics, one for each squadron.
Battle number colors are noted below.

451st Bomb Group battle number and cowling colors
724th Bomb Squadron: White cowling and battle numbers on black battle number background.
725th Bomb Squadron: Red cowling with white battle numbers on red battle number background.
726th Bomb Squadron: Green cowling with white battle numbers on green battle number background.
727th Bomb Squadron: Yellow cowling with red battle numbers on yellow battle number background.

With the exception of the 727th Bomb Squadron, IL2 numbering can be used for either white or black numbering which will fall within the battle number background color.

B24 version types by skin
724th Bomb Squadron
B-24L-10-FO SN 44-49647 AC 21 '647'
B-24G-10-NT SN 42-78274 AC 23 (25) (31) COCKY CREW
B-24J-5-CF SN 42-51590 AC 24 DESTINY'S TOT
B-24J-70-CF SN 44-10621 AC 25 (23)(1) FULL HOUSE
B-24J-15-FO SN 42-52047 AC 29 '047'
B-24H-30-FO SN 42-51369 AC 31 BOOT IN THE ASS

725th Bomb Squadron
B-24M-5-FO SN 44-50455 AC 30-L '455'
B-24J-10-FO SN 42-51747 AC 32-S '747'
B-24L-15-FO SN 44-49817 AC 33-E '817'
B-24J-70-CF SN 44-10629 AC 34-L BUZZ BABY
B-24H-30-FO SN 42-95379 AC 35-P Extra Joker
B-24M-5-FO SN 44-50706 AC 38-A FORKBAR
B-24J-15-FO SN 42-51980 AC 39-B '980'
B-24H-20-DT SN 42-51090 AC 40-Y Hey Moe
B-24H-5-FO SN 42-7751 AC 47 ICE COLD KATIE
B-24H-30-DT SN 42-51222 AC 56 IN THE MOOD
B-24J-195-CO SN 44-41114 AC 58-T SASSY LASSY
B-24H-15-FO SN 42-52440 AC 60-A (56-A) CALAMITY JANE
B-24HSH-15-DT SN 41-28861 AC 69 BURMA BOUND
B-24L-5-FO SN 44-49418 AC 75 PRETTY MICKEY

726th Bomb Squadron
B-24H-10-FO SN 42-52114 AC 01 LONESOME POLECAT
B-24J-15-FO SN 42-52045 AC 36 '045'
B-24H-1-FO SN 42-7636 AC 41 THREE FEATHERS
B-24J-5-DT SN 42-51300 AC 42 WET DREAM
B-24H-10-FO SN 42-51626 AC 43 '626'
B-24J-70-CF SN 44-10613 AC 44 '613'
B-24L-10-FO SN 44-49539 AC 45 '539'
B-24L-10-FO SN 44-49659 AC 46 The RIP
B-24L-5-FO SN 44-49414 AC 47 SAD SACK
B-24M-15-FO SN 44-50885 AC 48 DEACON'S FLIVVER
B-24J-5-DT SN 42-51321 AC 49 The Bad Penny
B-24J-10-FO SN 42-51677 AC 50 Skylark
B-24J-20-FO SN 44-48953 AC 52 '953'
B-24G-16-NT SN 42-78465 AC 53 PATCHES
B-24H-15-CF SN 41-29580 AC 55 SCREAMIN' MEEMIE II
B-24J-1-NT SN 42-78595 AC 56-M '595'
B-24J-195-CO SN 44-41109 AC 57-F BETTY CO-ED

727th Bomb Squadron
B-24M-1-FO SN 44-50443 AC 16 'LOW-AN-ROY'
B-24J-195-CO SN 44-41056 AC 17 42-KAY
B-24J-190-CO SN 44-41008 AC 63(7) SLOPPY BUT SAFE

Skin pack Contents
724th Bomb Squadron: 8 skins
B-24J 451stBG 724thBS 00 Generic.bmp
B-24J 451stBG 724thBS 19 MINNESOTA MAULER.bmp
B-24J 451stBG 724thBS 21.bmp
B-24J 451stBG 724thBS 23 COCKY CREW.bmp
B-24J 451stBG 724thBS 24 DESTINY'S TOT.bmp
B-24J 451stBG 724thBS 25 FULL HOUSE.bmp
B-24J 451stBG 724thBS 29.bmp
B-24J 451stBG 724thBS 31 BOOT IN THE ASS.bmp

725th Bomb Squadron: 15 skins
B-24J 451stBG 725thBS 00 Generic.bmp
B-24J 451stBG 725thBS 30-L.bmp
B-24J 451stBG 725thBS 32-S.bmp
B-24J 451stBG 725thBS 33-E.bmp
B-24J 451stBG 725thBS 34-L BUZZ BABY.bmp
B-24J 451stBG 725thBS 35-P EXTRA JOKER.bmp
B-24J 451stBG 725thBS 38-A FORKBAR.bmp
B-24J 451stBG 725thBS 39-B.bmp
B-24J 451stBG 725thBS 40-Y HEY MOE.bmp
B-24J 451stBG 725thBS 47 ICE COLD KATIE.bmp
B-24J 451stBG 725thBS 56 IN THE MOOD.bmp
B-24J 451stBG 725thBS 58-T SASSY LASSY.bmp
B-24J 451stBG 725thBS 60-A CALAMITY JANE.bmp
B-24J 451stBG 725thBS 69 BURMA BOUND.bmp
B-24J 451stBG 725thBS 75 PRETTY MICKEY.bmp

726th Bomb Squadron: 17 skins
B-24J 451stBG 726thBS 00 Generic.bmp
B-24J 451stBG 726thBS 01 LONESOME POLECAT.bmp
B-24J 451stBG 726thBS 36.bmp
B-24J 451stBG 726thBS 41 THREE FEATHERS.bmp
B-24J 451stBG 726thBS 42 WET DREAM.bmp
B-24J 451stBG 726thBS 45.bmp
B-24J 451stBG 726thBS 46 The RIP.bmp
B-24J 451stBG 726thBS 47 SAD SACK.bmp
B-24J 451stBG 726thBS 48 DEACON'S FLIVVER.bmp
B-24J 451stBG 726thBS 49 The BAD PENNY.bmp
B-24J 451stBG 726thBS 50 Skylark.bmp
B-24J 451stBG 726thBS 52.bmp
B-24J 451stBG 726thBS 53 PATCHES.bmp
B-24J 451stBG 726thBS 55 SCREEMIN MEEMIE II.bmp
B-24J 451stBG 726thBS 56-M 595.bmp
B-24J 451stBG 726thBS 57-F BETTY CO-ED.bmp

727th Bomb Squadron: 4 skins
B-24J 451stBG 727thBS 00 Generic.bmp
B-24J 451stBG 727thBS 16 LOW-AN-ROY.bmp
B-24J 451stBG 727thBS 17 42-KAY.bmp
B-24J 451stBG 727thBS 63-7 SLOPPY BUT SAFE.bmp
Image 451stbg.jpg
Size 23MB
Date Monday 04 July 2016 - 21:07:31
Downloads 1384
5/5 : 1 Vote


  • 8 years ago
    0 0
    No problem and thanks a lot for all the work !

  • 8 years ago
    0 0
    Thanks gents.
  • 8 years ago
    0 0
    I replaced the faulty version.
    What a fantastic pack Ralph, & thanks Gaston for alerting us. smile
    [ edited 04 Jul : 21:14 ]