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Consolidated PB4Y-1
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Main AdminThe PB4Y-1 was a navalized version of the USAAF B-24. It had its origin in a deal cut in mid-1942 between the Navy and the USAAF. The Navy was anxious to acquire a long-range, land-based heavy maritime reconnaissance and patrol aircraft capable of carrying a substantial bombload, but the USAAF had always resisted what it perceived as an encroachment into its jealously-guarded land-based bomber program. However, the USAAF needed an aircraft plant to manufacture its next generation of heavy bombers, the B-29 Superfortress. It just so happened that the Navy owned a plant at Renton, Washington, which was at that time being operated by Boeing for the manufacture of the PBB-1 Sea Ranger twin-engined patrol flying boat. The Army proposed that the Navy cancel the Sea Ranger program and turn over the Renton factory to them for B-29 production. In exchange, the USAAF would get out of the antisubmarine warfare business and would drop its objections to the Navy's operation of land-based bombers. The Navy would get "navalized" B-24 Liberators, B-25 Mitchells, and B-34/B-37 Venturas for use in maritime reconnaissance and antisubmarine warfare. The Navy readily agreed to this arrangement.
The navalized Liberator was assigned the designation PB4Y-1. The initial PB4Y-1s were essentially B-24Ds delivered to the Navy with very little change and assigned Navy Bureau of Aeronautics serial numbers. They were drawn from a variety of B-24D block numbers.
Later Navy Liberators were based on the B-24G, J, L, and M versions, with their factory-installed Consolidated A-6A/B or Emerson A-15 nose turrets, although some of them had ERCO turrets installed at the factory. However, they retained the same naval designation of PB4Y-1 as the initial planes based on the B-24D. All PB4Y-1s had Martin A-3 upper turrets and Consolidated A-6A/B tail turrets.
In service, several B-24D-based PB4Y-1s were retrofitted with ERCO (Engineering and Research Company) ball turrets in their noses. This ball turret had originally been designed for the now-cancelled Boeing XPBB-1 Sea Ranger patrol bomber. The ERCO ball turret was essentially spherical whereas the earlier Consolidated or Emerson turrets were essentially cylindrical.
Wartime Service
Many Navy patrol squadrons were designated "VP" at the beginning of World War 2, but by mid-1942 their designation had changed to "VB" for heavier-than-air bombing. In October 1944, all Navy and later Privateer squadrons were redesignated "VPB" for Patrol Bombing. After the end of the war, when several of the Navy Liberator squadrons had been disestablished, the old squadron designation "VP" was revived, and took up with the World War 2 numbering system--for example, VPB-106 became VP-106. Photo-reconnaissance squadrons were designated by the code "VD". The Marine Corps Liberator units were known as "VMD", for heavier-than-air Marine photo reconnaissance.
The Navy Liberators first entered service with VB-101 at NAS Barber Point, Hawaii in September of 1942. In the European theatre, the USAAF Antisubmarine Command had been initially assigned the responsibility for antisubmarine warfare, and flew antisubmarine operations out of bases in the USA and in Britain. As part of the deal cut with the Navy, the USAAF agreed to get out of the antisubmarine patrol business. When the USAAF's antisubmarine units were disbanded in 1943, their ASV radar-equipped B-24Ds were traded to the Navy in exchange for new production B-24Ds that had already been earmarked for the Navy. Navy and Marine Corps squadrons soon began flying the Liberator on long-range antisubmarine patrols over both the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. VB-110, based at Cornwall in England, took over antisubmarine duties from the USAAF's 479th ASG. VB-104 began operating PB4Y-1s out of Henderson Field, Guadalcanal in 1ate 1943. Modifications were made to permit installation of the AN/ARC-1 radar intercept receiver. By May of 1945, there were 24 Navy and Marine Corps squadrons flying the PB4Y-1.
VB-116 began ECM operations with PB4Y-1s out of Eniwetok Atoll in March of 1944. They flew sorties against Japanese radar installations on Truk, and made radar plots at 1000-, 1000- and 500-foot altitudes. These plots helped airstrikes pick approach directions which would minimize alert time for the enemy.
A total of 13 U-boats were sunk by Navy PB4Y-1s during World War 2, at the cost of 33 PB4Y-1s.
The Navy also operated Liberators with five World War II photographic squadrons: VD-1, VD-3, VD-4, and VD-5 got PB4Y-1s immediately upon establishment, although VD-2 did not get any PB4Y-1s until after World War 2.
The Navy also obtained a number of Liberator transports. The Navy bought three RY-1s (based on the C-87A-CF) and five RY-2s (based on the C-87-CF).
The PB4Y-1 also served with Marine Corps photographic reconnaissance squadrons, which were designated "VMD". Three USMC squadrons operated the Liberator--VMD-154, VMD-254, and VMD-354
Five PB4Y-1s were operated by the US Coast Guard from 1944-1946.
Project Anvil
Two PB4Y-1s of VB-110 were modified as pilotless flying bombs to be launched against high-priority targets in occupied Europe. Known as *Project Anvil*, the initial goal was to take out a German V-2 installation in occupied France. A PB4Y-1 was fitted with remote control gear, a forward-looking television camera to be used in the final run in to the target, and 25,000 pounds of explosives. Since there was no time to develop remotely-controlled takeoff equipment, the aircraft was to be flown to an altitude of 2000 feet by a pilot, who would arm the explosives, hand the aircraft over to remote control, and then bail out.
The first operation took place on August 12, 1944. The two pilots flying the PB4Y-1 were Lt. Joseph P. Kennedy, Jr (JFK's older brother) and Lt. Wilford J. Willy. The PB4Y-1 was accompanied by a Lockeed PV-1 control aircraft and a USAAF B-17 to monitor the television transmissions. However, the PB4Y-1 exploded 20 minutes after takeoff, killing both pilots. A fusing system malfunction was apparently to blame for the accident.
The second try took place on September 3, 1944, this time against an airfield in Heligoland, the original French V-2 site having by this time been overrun by Allied troops. Lt. Ralph Spaulding piloted the takeoff of the modified PB4Y-1 and was able to parachute to safety after having armed the explosives. Control was handed over to the PV-1, and the aircraft was flown at low altitude across the North Sea. The crew in the B-17 had a clear view via television of the approach to the target. Although the TV camera was put of action by flak just before the PB4Y-1 struck, the observers in the other planes saw a massive explosion as the Liberator struck its target.
Postwar Service
After the war, Navy Liberators continued to operate into the early 1950s. Their squadrons were redesignated "VP" once again. A number of Navy Liberators were modified for reconnaissance duties as PB4Y-1Ps and served until 1950 with VP-61 and VP-62. In 1951, they were redesignated P4Y-1P. Between 1947 and 1949, VP-61 based at MCAS Miramar, carried out an extensive photographic mapping survey of Alaska. In the early stages of the Indochina War, PB4Y-1Ps from VP-61 flew reconnaissance missions over Vietnam in support of French operations between 1951 and 1953.
PB4Y-1 Serials
The US Navy acquired a total of 977 PB4Y-1 Liberators. There were seven blocks of BuAer serial numbers assigned to these planes: 31936/32335, 38733/38965, 46725/46737, 63915/63959, 65287/65392, 90132/20271, and 90461/90483. All of them were delivered to the Navy from batches originally ordered by the USAAF, and had been assigned USAAF serials before their transfer to the Navy. The USAAF serial numbers of these planes were as follows:
41-23825/23849 Consolidated B-24D-7-CO Liberator
23826,23827 to Navy as PB4Y-1 31936,31937.
41-23920/23958 Consolidated B-24D-13-CO Liberator
23926,23927 to Navy as PB4Y-1 31938,31939.
23946,23947 to Navy as PB4Y-1 31940,31941.
41-23970/24003 Consolidated B-24D-15-CO Liberator
23993/23996 to Navy as PB4Y-1 31942/31945.
41-24030/24099 Consolidated B-24D-15-CO Liberator
24053 to Navy as PB4Y-1 31950
24049/24051 to Navy as PB4Y-1 31946/31948.
24088 to Navy as PB4Y-1 31949
24083,24084 to Navy as PB4Y-1 31951/31952.
24086,24087 to Navy as PB4Y-1 31953/31954.
41-24100/24138 Consolidated B-24D-20-CO Liberator
24115/24118 to Navy as PB4Y-1 31955/31958.
24131/24134 to Navy as PB4Y-1 31959/31962.
41-24175/24219 Consolidated B-24D-20-CO Liberator
24176/24178 to Navy as PB4Y-1 31963/31965.
24208/24210 to Navy as PB4Y-1 31966/31968.
41-24220/24311 Consolidated B-24D-25-CO Liberator
24240/24242 to Navy as PB4Y-1 31969/31971.
24271/24272 to Navy as PB4Y-1 31972/31973.
24303/24307 to Navy as PB4Y-1 31974/31978.
42-40058/40137 Consolidated B-24D-30-CO Liberator
40083/40087 to USN as PB4Y-1 31979/31983.
40118/40122 to USN as PB4Y-1 31984/31988.
42-40138/40217 Consolidated B-24D-35-CO Liberator
40151/40155 to USN as PB4Y-1 31989/31993.
40187/40191 to USN as PB4Y-1 31994/31998.
40204 to USN as PB4Y-1 32043.
42-40218/40257 Consolidated B-24D-40-CO Liberator
40228 to USN as PB4Y-1 31999
40224/40227 to USN as PB4Y-1 32000/32003.
42-40258/40322 Consolidated B-24D-45-CO Liberator
40257 to USN as PB4Y-1 32020.
40258 to USN as PB4Y-1 32009.
40259/40263 to USN as PB4Y-1 32004/32008.
40264 to USN as PB4Y-1 32010.
40270/40273 to USN as PB4Y-1 32001/32014.
40274 to USN as PB4Y-1 32019.
40275/40378 to USN as PB4Y-1 32015/32018.
40279 to USN as PB4Y-1 32021.
40281 to USN as PB4Y-1 32031.
40282/40283 to USN as PB4Y-1 32022/32023.
40295/40299 to USN as PB4Y-1 32024/32028.
42-40345/40392 Consolidated B-24D-53-CO Liberator
40369 to USN as PB4Y-1 32053.
40390 to USN as PB4Y-1 32029.
42-40393/40432 Consolidated B-24D-55-CO Liberator
40423 to USN as PB4Y-1 32030.
40425 to USN as PB4Y-1 32044.
40429 to USN as PB4Y-1 32032.
40430 to USN as PB4Y-1 32038.
40432 to USN as PB4Y-1 32033.
42-40433/40482 Consolidated B-24D-60-CO Liberator
40434/40436 to USN as PB4Y-1 32034/32036.
40437/40438 to USN as PB4Y-1 32039/32040.
40439 to USN as PB4Y-1 32037.
40440 to USN as PB4Y-1 32041.
40441 to USN as PB4Y-1 32045.
40442 to USN as PB4Y-1 32042.
40443 to USN as PB4Y-1 32046.
40446 to USN as PB4Y-1 32047.
42-40483/40527 Consolidated B-24D-65-CO Liberator
40498 to USN as PB4Y-1 63915
42-40528/40567 Consolidated B-24D-70-CO Liberator
40553 to USN as PB4Y-1 63933
40561/40562 to USN as PB4Y-1 32048/32049.
40564 to USN as PB4Y-1 32055.
40565 to USN as PB4Y-1 32050.
40566 to USN as PB4Y-1 32052.
40567 to USN as PB4Y-1 32051.
42-40568/40612 Consolidated B-24D-75-CO Liberator
40568 to USN as PB4Y-1 32064.
40570 to USN as PB4Y-1 32054.
40571/40575 to USN as PB4Y-1 32056/32060.
40576 to USN as PB4Y-1 32065.
40578/40580 to USN as PB4Y-1 32061/32063.
40581 to USN as PB4Y-1 32066.
40584 to USN as PB4Y-1 32067.
42-40613/40652 Consolidated B-24D-80-CO Liberator
40628 to USN as PB4Y-1 63930
42-40653/40697 Consolidated B-24D-85-CO Liberator
40668 to USN as PB4Y-1 32072.
42-40698/40742 Consolidated B-24D-90-CO Liberator
40709 to USN as PB4Y-1 32069.
40711 to USN as PB4Y-1 32073.
40712 to USN as PB4Y-1 32071.
40714 to USN as PB4Y-1 32070.
40715 to USN as PB4Y-1 32074.
40717 to USN as PB4Y-1 32075.
40718 to USN as PB4Y-1 32078.
40720 to USN as PB4Y-1 32068.
40721 to USN as PB4Y-1 32076.
40723 to USN as PB4Y-1 32079.
40724 to USN as PB4Y-1 32077.
40725/40729 to USN as PB4Y-1 32080/32084.
42-40743/40787 Consolidated B-24D-95-CO Liberator
40757 to USN as PB4Y-1 63937
40761 to USN as PB4Y-1 63926
40762 to USN as 63916
40785 to USN as PB4Y-1 32085.
42-40788/40822 Consolidated B-24D-100-CO Liberator
40789 to USN as PB4Y-1 63924
40792 to USN as PB4Y-1 63927
40794 to USN as PB4Y-1 32087.
40796 to USN as PB4Y-1 32091.
40797/40798 to USN as PB4Y-1 32089/32090.
40799 to USN as PB4Y-1 32092.
40802 to USN as PB4Y-1 32088.
40805/40806 to USN as PB4Y-1 32093/32094.
40809 to USN as PB4Y-1 63917
40810 to USN as PB4Y-1 63932
40811 to USN as PB4Y-1 63936
40816 to USN as PB4Y-1 63929
42-40823/40867 Consolidated B-24D-105-CO Liberator
40824 to USN as PB4Y-1 63923
40825 to USN as PB4Y-1 63939
40843 to USN as PB4Y-1 63918
40846 to USN as PB4Y-1 63934
40847 to USN as PB4Y-1 32095.
40860 to USN as PB4Y-1 32086.
40861 to USN as PB4Y-1 63931
40867 to USN as PB4Y-1 63921
42-40868/40917 Consolidated B-24D-110-CO Liberator
40868 to USN as PB4Y-1 32096.
40876 to USN as PB4Y-1 63938
40880/40881 to USN as PB4Y-1 32097/32098.
40882 to USN as PB4Y-1 32102.
40883/40884 to USN as PB4Y-1 32100/32101.
40888 to USN as PB4Y-1 32103.
40889 to USN as PB4Y-1 32099.
40890 to USN as PB4Y-1 32104.
40892/40893 to USN as PB4Y-1 32105/32106.
40895 to USN as PB4Y-1 32107.
40897 to USN as PB4Y-1 63928
40898 to USN as PB4Y-1 32108.
40899 to USN as PB4Y-1 32110.
40901 to USN as PB4Y-1 63922
40902 to USN as PB4Y-1 32109.
40903 to USN as PB4Y-1 32111.
40906 to USN as PB4Y-1 32112.
40907 to USN as PB4Y-1 63925
40908/40909 to USN as PB4Y-1 32113/32114.
42-40918/40962 Consolidated B-24D-115-CO Liberator
40923 to USN as PB4Y-1 32115.
40932 to USN as PB4Y-1 32116.
40936 to USN as PB4Y-1 32117.
40943 to USN as PB4Y-1 32118.
40947/40948 to USN as PB4Y-1 32119/32120.
40950 to USN as PB4Y-1 32123.
40951/40952 to USN as PB4Y-1 32121/32122.
40953 to USN as PB4Y-1 32124.
42-40963/41002 Consolidated B-24D-120-CO Liberator
40971 to USN as PB4Y-1 32126.
41001 to USN as PB4Y-1 32125.
42-41003/41047 Consolidated B-24D-125-CO Liberator
41016 to USN as PB4Y-1 32127.
41019/41020 to USN as PB4Y-1 32128/32129.
41024/41025 to USN as PB4Y-1 32130/32131.
41034 to USN as PB4Y-1 32136.
41035 to USN as PB4Y-1 32135.
41036 to USN as PB4Y-1 32137.
41037/41038 to USN as PB4Y-1 32132/32133.
41039 to USN as PB4Y-1 32138.
41042 to USN as PB4Y-1 32139.
41044 to USN as PB4Y-1 32140.
41045 to USN as PB4Y-1 32134.
41046 to USN as PB4Y-1 32141.
42-41048/41092 Consolidated B-24D-130-CO Liberator
41048 to USN as PB4Y-1 32142.
41052 to USN as PB4Y-1 32144.
41055 to USN as PB4Y-1 32143.
42-41093/41137 Consolidated B-24D-135-CO Liberator
41102 to USN as PB4Y-1 32145.
41119 to USN as PB4Y-1 32146.
41121 to USN as PB4Y-1 32147.
41122 to USN as PB4Y-1 32152.
41123 to USN as PB4Y-1 32148.
41130/41131 to USN as PB4Y-1 32149/32150.
41134 to USN as PB4Y-1 32153.
42-41138/41172 Consolidated B-24D-140-CO Liberator
41138 to USN as PB4Y-1 32151.
41139 to USN as PB4Y-1 32154.
41148 to USN as PB4Y-1 32155.
41153 to USN as PB4Y-1 32156.
41165/41167 to USN as PB4Y-1 32157/32159.
42-41173/41217 Consolidated B-24D-145-CO Liberator
41204 to USN as PB4Y-1 32160.
42-72865/72914 Consolidated B-24D-165-CO Liberator
72883 to USN as PB4Y-1 32161.
72888/72889 to USN as PB4Y-1 32162/32163.
72893 to USN as PB4Y-1 32164.
72895 to USN as PB4Y-1 63948
72897 to USN as PB4Y-1 63945
72903 to USN as PB4Y-1 63946
72905 to USN as PB4Y-1 63942
72906 to USN as PB4Y-1 63947
72909 to USN as PB4Y-1 63943
72910 to USN as PB4Y-1 63950
72913 to USN as PB4Y-1 63949
72914 to USN as PB4Y-1 63957
42-72915/72963 Consolidated B-24D-170-CO Liberator
72915 to USN as PB4Y-1 63944
72916 to USN as PB4Y-1 63959
72917 to USN as PB4Y-1 63958
72918 to USN as PB4Y-1 63952
72919 to USN as PB4Y-1 63951
72920 to USN as PB4Y-1 63956
72921 to USN as PB4Y-1 63955
72922/72923 to USN as PB4Y-1 32165/32166.
72924 to USN as PB4Y-1 63954
72925/72926 to USN as PB4Y-1 32167/32168.
72928 to USN as PB4Y-1 63953
42-73015/73064 Consolidated B-24J-5-CO Liberator
73036 to USN as PB4Y-1 32169.
42-73065/73114 Consolidated B-24J-10-CO Liberator
73091/73110 to USN as PB4Y-1 32170/32189.
42-73165/73214 Consolidated B-24J-20-CO Liberator
73168/73180 to USN as PB4Y-1 32190/32202.
73205/73214 to USN as PB4Y-1 32203/32212.
42-73365/73414 Consolidated B-24J-40-CO Liberator
73400/73409 to USN as PB4Y-1 32213/32222.
42-78155/78314 North American B-24G-10-NT Liberator
78271 to USN as PB4Y-1 38782
42-99986/100035 Consolidated B-24J-60-CO Liberator
100026/100030 to USN as PB4Y-1 32223/32227.
42-100136/100185 Consolidated B-24J-75-CO Liberator
100161/100165 to USN as PB4Y-1 32228/32232.
42-100286/100335 Consolidated B-24J-90-CO Liberator
100296/100304 to USN as PB4Y-1 32233/32241.
42-100336/100385 Consolidated B-24J-95-CO Liberator
100378/100382 to USN as PB4Y-1 32242/32246.
42-100386/100435 Consolidated B-24J-100-CO Liberator
100417/100420 to USN as PB4Y-1 32247/32250.
42-109889/109938 Consolidated B-24J-115-CO Liberator
109905/109914 to USN as PB4Y-1 32251/32260.
42-109939/109988 Consolidated B-24J-120-CO Liberator
109955/109964 to USN as PB4Y-1 32261/32270.
42-109989/110038 Consolidated B-24J-125-CO Liberator
110007/110016 to USN as PB4Y-1 32271/32280.
42-110089/110138 Consolidated B-24J-135-CO Liberator
110124/110133 to USN as PB4Y-1 32281/32290.
42-110139/110188 Consolidated B-24J-140-CO Liberator
110174/110183 to USN as PB4Y-1 32291/32300.
44-40049/40148 Consolidated B-24J-145-CO Liberator
40054/40063 to USN as PB4Y-1 32301/32310
40074/40083 to USN as PB4Y-1 32311/32320
40094/40097 to USN as PB4Y-1 32321/32324
44-40149/40248 Consolidated B-24J-150-CO Liberator
40174/40183 to USN as PB4Y-1 32325/32334
40214 to USN as PB4Y-1 32335
40215/40223 to USN as PB4Y-1 38733/38741
44-40249/40348 Consolidated B-24J-155-CO Liberator
40254/40263 to USN as PB4Y-1 38742/38751
40304/40313 to USN as PB4Y-1 38752/38761
40344/40348 to USN as PB4Y-1 38762/38766
44-40349/40448 Consolidated B-24J-160-CO Liberator
40349/40353 to USN as PB4Y-1 38767/38771
40384/40393 to USN as PB4Y-1 38772/38781
40445/40448 to USN as PB4Y-1 38782/38785
44-40449/40548 Consolidated B-24J-165-CO Liberator
40449/40453 to USN as PB4Y-1 38786/38791
40504/40513 to USN as PB4Y-1 38792/38801
44-40549/40648 Consolidated B-24J-170-CO Liberator
40574/40583 to USN as PB4Y-1 38802/38811
40634/40643 to USN as PB4Y-1 38812/38821
44-40649/40748 Consolidated B-24J-175-CO Liberator
40694/40703 to USN as PB4Y-1 38822/38831
44-40749/40848 Consolidated B-24J-180-CO Liberator
40764/40773 to USN as PB4Y-1 38832/38841
40834/40843 to USN as PB4Y-1 38842/38851
44-40849/40948 Consolidated B-24J-185-CO Liberator
40904/40913 to USN as PB4Y-1 38852/38861
44-40949/41048 Consolidated B-24J-190-CO Liberator
40968/40972 to USN as PB4Y-1 38862/38866
41034/41038 to USN as PB4Y-1 38867/38871
44-41049/41148 Consolidated B-24J-195-CO Liberator
41100/41104 to USN as PB4Y-1 38872/38876
44-41149/41248 Consolidated B-24J-200-CO Liberator
41166/41170 to USN as PB4Y-1 38877/38881
41239/41248 to USN as PB4Y-1 38882/38891
44-41249/41348 Consolidated B-24J-205-CO Liberator
41279/41288 to USN as PB4Y-1 38892/38901
41297/41308 to USN as PB4Y-1 38902/38913
41319/41328 to USN as PB4Y-1 38914/38923
44-41349/41389 Consolidated B-24J-210-CO Liberator
41359/41368 to USN as PB4Y-1 38924/38933
44-41390/41448 Consolidated B-24L-1-CO Liberator
41406/41416 to USN as PB4Y-1 38934/38944
44-41449/41548 Consolidated B-24L-5-CO Liberator
41484/41493 to USN as PB4Y-1 38945/38954
41519/41528 to USN as PB4Y-1 38955/38964
44-41549/41648 Consolidated B-24L-10-CO Liberator
41554/41568 to USN as PB4Y-1 38955/38969
41569/41573 to USN as PB4Y-1 90462/90466
41584/41600 to USN as PB4Y-1 90467/90483
41601/41603 to USN as PB4Y-1 46725/46727
44-41649/41748 Consolidated B-24L-15-CO Liberator
41683/41691 to USN as PB4Y-1 46728/46736
41701 to USN as PB4Y-1 46737
41702/41748 to USN as PB4Y-1 65287/65333
44-41749/41806 Consolidated B-24L-20-CO Liberator
all to USN as PB4Y-1 65334/65391
44-41849/41948 Consolidated B-24M-5-CO Liberator
41857/41861 to USN as PB4Y-1 65392/65396
41862 to USN as PB4Y-1 90132.
41864/41865 to USN as PB4Y-1 90134/90135.
41887/41942 to USN as PB4Y-1 90136/90191.
44-41949/42048 Consolidated B-24M-10-CO Liberator
41997/41999 to USN as PB4Y-1 90192/90194.
42000/42016 to USN as PB4Y-1 90195/90211.
42017 to USN as PB4Y-1 90133.
42032/42048 to USN as PB4Y-1 90212/90228.
44-42049/42148 Consolidated B-24M-15-CO Liberator
42049/42051 to USN as PB4Y-1 90229/90231.
42067/42093 to USN as PB4Y-1 90232/90258.
44-42149/42248 Consolidated B-24M-20-CO Liberator
42176/42188 to USN as PB4Y-1 90259/90271.
44-42249/42348 Consolidated B-24M-25-CO Liberator
Below PB4Y-1 cockpit
Below Privateer PB4Y-1 View of nose turret (motor product-consolidated)-type) as fitted in most early-models
Below PB4Y-1. Stern view of tail-gun blister of a PB4Y Patrol Bomber, November 1942.
Below PB4Y-1. Operating from Southwestern England, heading to The Bay of Biscay.
Below Consolidated PB4Y-1 Liberator fitted with rocket rails to evaluate air launch rockets.
Below Consolidated PB4Y-1 Liberators taken 1943.
Below Consolidated PB4Y-1P, Patrol bombers, of VAP-61 Fly in formation near Mt. McKinley, Alaska, during the summer of 1947.
Below Consolidated PB4Y-1 PRIVATEER Patrol Bomber under construction.
Below Consolidated PB4Y-1 unknown.[/URL]
Below PB4Y-1 “Liberator” Patrol Bomber in flight circa 1943.
Below Liberator PB4Y-1 unknown.
Below PB4Y-1 patrol plane takes off from Carney Field, Guadalcanal, on a photographic mission, in 1943.
Below PB4Y-1 Bombing Squadron 106 Unapproachable Pacific 43-44.
Below PB4Y-1 Bombing Squadron 106 Mitzi-Bishi 43-44 Pacific.
Below PB4Y-1. Navy Patrol Bomber, PB4Y-1, “Liberator”.42-73214 Photograph received July 1944.
Below PB4Y-1 at NAS, Norfolk, Virginia,December 1943.
Below PB4Y-1 -BU-32258 at a Naval Air Station in Brazil, circa 1945.
Below VB-114 operated PB4Y-1s from Lagens Field, Terceira Island, Azores, starting in the summer of 1944, but under an agreement with neutral Portugal, had to have British markings in order to fly operationally.
Below PB4Y-1 90222, rolled out over the fence of the Lindbergh Field airfield in San Diego.
Below Two Marine Corps air crewmen, an aerial gunner and an aerial photographer, stand by their PB4Y-1 patrol bomber, watching another plane landing, circa 1943.
Below Consolidated PB4Y-1P, photographic aircraft (Bu# 65335) circa 45-46.
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