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Main Admin
Main Admin
Main Admin
Main AdminThis weekends photo.
BE 12 aircraft were used by 21Sqn in the light bombing role with up to 336ibs of bombs carried under the wings, in this role it was sometimes fitted with rearward facing Lewis gun on the port side of the fuselage for defence of the tail, sighting the weapon was almost impossible and at least one pilot considered it to be 'little more than a joke'.
Losses were so high that in September 1916 Brig-Gen. Hugh Trenchard wrote 'I have come to the conclusion that the BE 12 aeroplane in not a fighting machine in any way" and no more should be sent to France and those already there should be replaced as soon as practical.Some BE 12's remained in service until the armistice, used for home defence against Zeppelins and in the Middle East -
Main Admin
Main Admin
Main AdminThis weekends photo.
And staying with French Spitfires,Supermarine Spitfire Mk Vc of the Savoie group.
The French II/33 "Savoie" tactical reconnaissance group was officially recreated on January 1, 1945. Previously, it participated, under the name of 4th "Mouette" squadron (after their insignia) of the 2/33, in operations in North Africa and then in the Battle of Italy from May 3 to July 20, 1944. It returned to France on that date, to Corsica and then to the Longvic air base on September 22, 1944. This reconnaissance group was the only one to use Supermarine Spitfires, planes generally used as fighters. -
Main Admin
Main Admin
Main Admin
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