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    Westfront campaign was developed for Il2 4.10, dgen.exe UP 3.0 and DBW, you also need the B 26 V2.2 additional, available ats SAS:,17791.0.html


    The campaign file pack pack is a non commercial product. Every commercial use is denied by the author.

    Do not upload the campaign anywhere else or alter the campaign files.

    Contact the author at for permission.

    The campaign contains the following parts:

    Belgium 1939, Phoney war
    Belgium 1940, Blitzkrieg
    France 1940, Battle of france
    France 1941: Circus (june 1941 till december 1941)
    Channel front spring 1942: Butcher Bird
    France autumn 1942: Fortresses ahead
    Channel front January 1943: All quiet at the western front
    Channel autumn 1943: War of attrition
    France may 1944: Pre invasion phase
    Normandy june 1944: DDay
    Normandy july 1944: Breakout
    Northern germany fall 1944: Throes of death
    Ardennes: Operation Bodenplatte
    Northern germany 1945: Defeat

    The campaign is available for

    Luftwaffe fighters, RAF and USAAF fighters, fighter bombers and bombers - some 2000 missions all together!

    The bomber campaign will start 1941 and ends with the invasion cause the other maps are to small for bomber operations.

    The RAF fighter bomber campaign will start also in june 1941, cause the RAF didn?t made use of fighter bombers before this stage of war in the ETO.

    The USAAF campaigns are starting in 1942 of course.

    Many thx to Juri_js and Kennel, who skillfully tested and took part in the developement of this campaign! Without their support it wouldn?t have been possible for me to finish this huge work.

    KiwiBiggles did a great vid about my upcoming westfront ETO campaign using the last beta version - very immersive cheesey enjoy


    The campaign files:

    Unzip the files and copy them into the DGEN folder of IL2, you will find the new campaigns in the campaign rooster as "Boelckes Westfront campaign for ... "

    You also need the concerning skin packs:

    (the skin packs are not needed to get the campaign work, but they will add A LOT of immersion to the campaign, don?t miss it)

    Dgen.exe Version

    Recommended settings for the [DGEN] section of the CONF.INI:

    My settings are these


    Very important is

    MaxFlak: I inserted a lot of anti aircraft guns in the Normandie map, make sure that MaxFlak is NOT more than 40 or you will have a flak hell over the Normandie coastal defences. It also matches my Defense of the Reich campaign.

    MaxBomberSkill: Set it to "0" or the sniper gunners of the Fortresses will shoot you to pieces from huge distances.

    DISABLE "UseParkedPlanes" or the campaign will crash when changing to the NWE and Ardennes maps.


    - The early RAF subcampaigns before summer 1941 do have some problems with the dates and time. It?s a software restriction that dgen.exe can?t support dates before the invasion of Russi in June 1941, so i had to choose wrong dates for the 1939-41 parts for the RAF, it will appear with dates from 1941 and 1942. From the channel part on it?s correct. For the Luftwaffe campaigns it was possible to choose the correct dates and times in 1940 and 41.

    - The Hurricane MK Ia doesn?t work as flyable for RAF, so i had to use the MK Ib for the early war parts.

    - In the autumn 1944 subcampaign, the Temptest V has airstarts. I couldn?t find the reason for it, as it is only the Tempest, the Spitfires are working well. So, we have to live with it.


  • Some explanations about the campaign:

    The campaign is starting with the phoney war and the "Blitzkrieg" attack throug the Ardennes and France, these are the first three subcampaigns for Luftwaffe and RAF fighter pilots.

    I have assembled the great old "Belgium 1939" template from Tschaika into the mis files of the Ardennes map, it adds a lot of immersion to the campaign. The environement is massive enriched. As you can see on the screenshot also the airfield are massive populated:


    You will encounter French, British and also Netherlands and Belgium planes as Luftwaffe pilot, flying as RAF pilot you will have the assistance of these




    I?m usualy preffer massive air air battles with more than 30 planes in the air, cause i don?t believe that ww 2 air battles were 2 vs 2 planes like it often the case with il2. So i have realized this in the Ardennes subcampaigns. I?ve read that even single recon planes were escorted by one or more squadrons of fighters, accordingly the air battles were large - so it is in the campaign, a real furball.

    The Luftwaffe campaign includes also offensive missions like airfield attack:


    For the Luftwaffe i?ve choosed the JG 2 the famous Richthofen wing and JG 26 the famous Schlageter wing as players units, cause these units were the only ones who served all the time of the war in the west. I?ve done historic correct skins for these units (for the others also) and the plane set is also historic correct, withn the exeption of the FW 190 D11, which i have added also. I usulay try to make all planes available which are done by the modders smile


    You will meet planes like the Fairey Battle, Spitfire MK 1, Henschel 123 and others.

    Flyable planes for the Luftwaffe are Bf 109 D1, E1, E3 and later in the France subcampaign the E4 also. The D1 is real fun smile I?ve made some fine clothes for the Messers of JG 2 and 26 smile



    Flyable planes for the RAF are the Hurricane Mk 1a with 12 lb boost - the stock MK 1a can?t be used in dgen campaigns as player plane, cause it?s hardcoded in Il2 as blue plane - and 1940 the Spitfire MK 1. Rock has made a nice skin for the Spit and Cheruskerarmin made some nice Hurricane skins, also for the later Hurricanes MK II a and II b.

    For example a later MK IIc from Armin:


  • The early years at the channel front from 1941 on:

    Large scale operations - circuses - in the years 1941 and 1942:


    and later from 1943 on:


    A lot of different skins, for different units:



    Massive populated airfields:



    Coastal defences, here a pic with Hurricanes over Pont du Hoc:


    and skins, skins ,skins:

    thx to HB_Pencil for his very nice Spit X fake PRU skin




    I have added a new feature to my campaigns: Aces. It works for all subcampaigns with the exception of the Luftwaffe subcampaigns from 1941 till DDay.

    Juri_js advised me (also) how to enable this feature - many thx for this m8 - it adds a lot of immersion to the game

    Here one example, G?rings Boys shot down Bud Anderson at the invasion front smile


  • Later on in 1944 ... the invasion, DDay. I?ve tried to add a large fleet to simulate the invasion fleet. IL2 has the limitation of 256 ships - i learned smile - i put them all in:




    The Mullberry harbours in the mist (and mapals great C 47 skin):


    Pont du Hoc captured:




    sadly Jarinks great B 24 skin was badly shot up smile



  • What?s included:

    RAF and Luftwaffe fighter campaigns:

    Belgium 1939, Phoney war
    Belgium 1940, Blitzkrieg
    France 1940, Battle of france
    France 1941: Circus
    Channel front spring 1942: Butcher Bird
    France autumn 1942: Fortresses ahead
    Channel front January 1943: All quiet at the western front
    Channel autumn 1943: War of attrition
    France may 1944: Pre invasion phase
    Normandy june 1944: DDay
    Normandy july 1944: Breakout
    Northern germany fall 1944: Throes of death
    Ardennes: Operation Bodenplatte
    Northern germany 1945: Defeat

    USAAF fighter campaign:

    Channel front spring 1942: Butcher Bird
    France autumn 1942: Fortresses ahead
    Channel front January 1943: All quiet at the western front
    Channel autumn 1943: War of attrition
    France may 1944: Pre invasion phase
    Normandy june 1944: DDay
    Normandy july 1944: Breakout
    Northern germany fall 1944: Throes of death
    Ardennes: Operation Bodenplatte
    Northern germany 1945: Defeat

    RAF fighter bomber campaign:

    France 1941: Circus
    Channel front spring 1942: Butcher Bird
    France autumn 1942: Fortresses ahead
    Channel front January 1943: All quiet at the western front
    Channel autumn 1943: War of attrition
    France may 1944: Pre invasion phase
    Normandy june 1944: DDay
    Normandy july 1944: Breakout
    Northern germany fall 1944: Throes of death
    Ardennes: Operation Bodenplatte
    Northern germany 1945: Defeat

    USAAF fighter bomber campaign:

    Channel front January 1943: All quiet at the western front
    Channel autumn 1943: War of attrition
    France may 1944: Pre invasion phase
    Normandy june 1944: DDay
    Normandy july 1944: Breakout
    Northern germany fall 1944: Throes of death
    Ardennes: Operation Bodenplatte
    Northern germany 1945: Defeat

    RAF bomber campaign:

    France 1941: Circus
    Channel front spring 1942: Butcher Bird
    France autumn 1942: Fortresses ahead
    Channel front January 1943: All quiet at the western front
    Channel autumn 1943: War of attrition
    France may 1944: Pre invasion phase

    USAAF bomber campaign:

    Channel front January 1943: All quiet at the western front
    Channel autumn 1943: War of attrition
    France may 1944: Pre invasion phase

  • The late war campaigns, from autumn 1944 till the end:

    NWE autumn 1944 - fly as RAF or USAAF fighter bomber pilot with Spitfires, Typhoon or P 47 and P 38


    or as fighter pilot for axis or allies



    defend the bombers


    all the late war stuff is included


    bomb at the Ardennes 1944/1945 as fighter bomber pilot


    or fly as fighter pilot





    and watch the end of the war in NWE, with all the late war planes






    a massive skin pack is included smile most of the skins are done by myself, some few older skins from other well known skinners are included, like CanonUK, Goodwood and others.

    Also there are skins included from other A&A members, like Cheruskerarmin, Jarink, mapal, Heerdt, RDDR, Rudi_Jaeger and Kristorf (hope i didn?t forget anyone).

    HB_Pencil did the PRU Spit X for the campaigns.

  • Guys - have you checked the above out? It's the whole Western European War!!!

  • Guys - have you checked the above out? It's the whole Western European War!!!


    yes it is amazed ... and for bombers also amazed

  • Wonderful work for DBW, thank you Detlef, love this! amazed amazed amazed amazed amazed

  • Very impressive Detlef.
    When do you get the time to do all this great work? Wow!!

Moderator(s): Boelcke, Buhli, cheruskerarmin, Cpt_Farrel, Duggy, Graf, Gumpy, Hayate, HBPencil, HEERDT, Jarink, Jaypack44, Juri_JS, kristorf, mapal, MarcoPegase44, monguse, PatCartier, PIPS, RAF_Loke, Rudi_Jaeger, Tailhook, Tomi_099, US_Grant