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Korean Fury.
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12 years agoLevel 3Osakaoy - if you ever make it over again, look me up by PM. Tokyo was cool - lived there for year or so, but I have to say that Kobe must be one of the most livable, international cities I have ever heard of. You can go from the main train station of a city of over 1million people, to pure, quiet forest in fifteen minutes on foot. Insane!
Nagoya -the huge, ginormous city famous for having nothing at all famous (except for brand-conscious brides and misokatsu, and let's face it, that's not exactly earth-shattering) -
Level 1I swear i left a reply, must have shut the tab with out pressing post rreply
Monty - thank you for the help and advice as always, your a champ!
FLatspinman-will do sir! Its not a case of if just when. My fiance wants us to live in Tokyo so we can be near her family which i dont mind so much. Haha yeah central Nagoya is definatly like that! But the area i lived in was a little suburb that i really grew to love. Dont forget the unagi too. Kobe is definatly on the list of places to go next!
Level 1Well, 7 missions done and tested. Things seem to be going smooth.
However I have a question yet again
Im using Ultrapack 3 rc 4 for 4.10.1 (i think i got all that correct lol) and for some reason HMS colossus's Catapult does not work, ive been using other HM carriers as stand ins up until now, but it seems silly not using Colossus. I was hoping it might be a case of adding abit of code here or there that some one could help me out with. Thanks chaps! -
12 years agoTue Nov 20 2012, 12:21pmLevel 1Oooooooh what a saga that was my friend. Getting the Colossus cat, and the steam cats on Valley Forge and Boxer was a real tough one. Basically the short version is; you need Dark Blue World, which contains the parts and 'The Full Monty', which adds all the Korean mods you could need.
The Monty Packs contain the carriers, the cat fixes and a whole lot of functionality which was missing from the original supermods. For now The Full Monty on Dark Blue World is the best option for Korea and far ahead of anything else.
The new Dark Blue World 1.8 will contain everything for sure, and I think campaigns made on a DBW/TFM install will be easily translated to DBW 1.8 when it released, some time next year I would guess.
How to install? - DBW is built on UP3 rc 4 for 4.10.1, you gain a selector to choose your mod setup and an additional mod folder called #DBW. Piece of cake! -
Level 1Once again sir you save the day! Im downloading it now and cant wait to see what it opens up! Thank you.
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