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- MTO dgen campaign for HSFX 7 and Asuras dgen.exe mod
MTO dgen campaign for HSFX 7 and Asuras dgen.exe mod
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Level 1Hello Boelcke,
I've removed the Clouds MOD and Gore MOD from MTO campaign. Re-installed from ground zero. Everything seems to be going according to the plan and I'm loving it. Thanks for your help and hard work. I'll be in touch if bugs arise. I'm a one campaign at a time person, so when MTO is finished, looking forward to your Westfront 1 and 2.
lyteyr -
10 years agoLevel 1
Mach Dir im Ordner ...\IL-2 Sturmovik 1946\Mods (falls nicht vorhanden erstelle den Ordner MODS selber) das Unterverzeichnis
Vielen Dank f?r die Hilfe!
Level 1Hello Boelcke,
I re-downloaded and re-installed everything that has to do with your MTO campaign. This time I got through the first 2 missions.
= DGen_mod (20/06/2014) =
seed: 35303921
ParamStr: de 1
DGen_mod initialization. Side: de, Rank: 1
Career ID: DeBOE101
Unable to delete directory: missions\campaign\de\DGen_BOE101_Zapolar44Summerjurgens1
EnemyNation from settings: USSR
Load DGen\mod\AllPlaneDB.dat:
Load DGen\mod\AllPlaneDB_m.dat:
Load DGen\Zapolar44SummerPlanes.dat:
Error - can't open DGen\mod\Zapolar43SummerTowns.dat
I'd like to send you a screenshot of a large pink propeller blowing up (mine) that fills the whole screen, but I don't know how to do it. I am almost at the point of giving up. Is this something I should be writing to Asura??
lyteyr -
10 years agoMon Oct 06 2014, 11:23amMain AdminNo, this is from a missing or wrong installed data file in your install for another campaign, the Murmansk campaign. Nothing related to the MTO campaign.
The pink plane is an indication for wrong loadouts. But i?m sorry, i don?t have that problem. The Bf 109 has only default or droptanks as loadout, nothing special.
Please consider the install instructions:
Step 1: Install MrO?s Tunesia map and check if it is available in FMB
Step 2: Install Asuras dgen.exe - first backup the stock dgen.exe, everything else doesn?t matter
Step 3: Install the campaign, simply copy all the files from the zip file into the\DGEN folder (no subfolder)
Step 4: The HSFX 7 plane data base files for Asuras dgen.exe mod, you need these files, without them the campaign don?t work (version 1.2):
copy these files into the \DGEN\Mod folder - AFTER you have installed Asuras dgen.exe and overwrite the old files It?s needed to get the campaign work
I know that bug from my Westfront campaign which actualy has this problem - related to wrong loadouts for the P 47 D10, but the MTO campaign does not have such a problem.
Level 1Hello Boelcke,
As you can see, I'm not giving up because I want to fly your MTO!!
Maybe I'm doing the Asura install incorrectly. If I use the DGenInstaller.exe and set the program version to HSFX 7, do I need to manually copy the unpacked 4.12 folder, the HSFX folder and/or the MODPlanes folder into the game as well, or does the installer move everything that is required? -
Main AdminAlso ehrlich, ich kann nichts finden. Ich hab in 7.02 stundenlang Missionen generiert, Deine Datei gecheckt - nichts. Bei mir l?uft alles bestens.
Ich hab keine Ahnung, was da los ist. Falls Du im expert modus gespielt hast, probier mal den normal Modus. UNd kopier diese Dateien mal in das Verzeichnis \DGEN\MOD
Aber sonst f?llt mir nichts mehr ein.
9 years agoFri Oct 17 2014, 06:49amMain Adminok, keine Antwort ist auch eine Antwort, daf?r hab ich mir dann das halbe Wochenede um die Ohren geschlagen.
EDIT: I have cleaned this thread from the german language posts, it?s an english forum, so don?t be angry. -
9 years agoLevel 1Sorry f?r die versp?tete Antwort, aber bei mir ist nach der Installation der Dateien das Spiel total abgerauscht und ich bin noch nicht dazu gekommen alles neu zu installieren. Beim Start des Spiels wurde nur bis 60% geladen und dann ging nichts mehr.
Werde jetzt erst am Wochenende dazu kommen, alles wieder komplett zu installieren.
9 years agoLevel 1So, habs endlich geschafft nach der Neuinstallation zu testen und bin mittlerwiele einige Missionen geflogen. bisher l?uft alles einwandfrei. Vielen Dank f?r die Hilfe und die Unterst?tzung.
After new installation I have had the chance to test the game and have flewn some missions. At the mometn the campaign works fine.
Thx for your help! -
Main Adminvery good news
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